Thursday, April 15, 2010
Pros and cons of the referendum
New Bradenton Bus Station + Transit Options for Tropicana Field
Here is an article I found earlier this morning about a new bus station in Bradenton; interestingly, several of Bradenton's City Council members have expressed concern that this new station will be too far away from TBARTA's proposed high speed rail route (along existing rail lines and the I-75 corridor).
Unfortunately I could not copy and paste the entire article, but it can be located at:
Also, a recently-published letter to the St. Pete Times by George Steffener of Gulfport. In his letter, Mr. Steffener proposes several ideas for integrating public transportation to and from Tropicana field in St. Petersburg, including revamped bus schedules and routes, as well as a system of ferries and water buses as an alternative for those who live across the bay. It's brief and doesn't necessarily take into account the difficulties in making such drastic changes, but was an interesting read.
Analysts: Rail project would provide spark for transit system
By Margaret Cashill
Tampa Bay Business Journal
August 24, 2009
Transportation advocates say that with the construction of a high-speed rail line in Florida, jobs would be created and it would have a positive impact on the environment by removing cars from the roads. The rail is also predicted to have significant impacts on businesses around Tampa Bay. Edward Mierzejewski, director of the Center for Urban Transportation at the University of South Florida, said that the cluster of population surrounding a rail hub could attract retail and would also introduce the need for a well-integrated public transportation system. Tampa Bay does not have the density or the public transit system that makes it easy coming off a train and getting to a destination like other cities such as New York and Washington. An investment in bus systems could help integrate rail stops with bus routes to take travelers along the edge of Tampa’s downtown to the Westshore Business District, and also to tourist beach destinations or Tampa Bay Rays’ games. Well-integrated transit at each major station is an important part of the success or failure of the rail system. The high-speed rail link between Tampa and Orlando is not nearly as important as the link connecting to Miami, which will offer major time savings. If the initial Tampa to Orlando link is not implemented correctly with proper transit planning in both cities, the Miami link may never hit the construction phase.
Stimulus Plan for Rail Line Shows System of Weak Links
“Stimulus Plan for Rail Line Shows System of Weak Links”
By Michael Cooper
NY Times
March 22, 2010
Recently, the Obama administration awarded
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
on the wording of the Hillsborough tax referenda
This article details on how the Hillsborough County commissioners have come into a deadlocked in a 3 on 3 vote on how the proposed transit sales tax referendum is worded. which is how the money is going to be used and if it isn’t, for the tax referenda to be repeal. The detail is that 75% is to go for the new rail system and expanded bus service while the remaining 25% would go for other road and transportation needs. The article goes on to specify how and why Commissioner objected to how the wording of the propose tax referendum. Commissioner Ferlita wants two things. 1, that no more that 25% would go for road needs and 2, if the county cannot obtain the needed state and federal funding for the rail system that the tax would be repeal. In that last part the commissioners decided to create an oversight committee. the committee would be 9 people in size, each with some form of education that can be related to the transportation issue.
I change my mind, 5% of it
As many of my fellow classmates know I use the bus system. It was a conscious choice that not many people do. I did it for the environment and my wallet. I remind you of this fact so I can tell you that from my own personal experience I disagree with some of the conclusions that I have learned over this past semester, not just this class. I now go back to the article that I summarize in class a week or so ago and the question that I brought out for the class. That question was “how can you get more people to ride the buses?” As some of you may remember, I stated that it was a trick question because the market was not going to grow any larger, percentage wise. I now have changed my mind, about 5% and not much more. This leads to reason that I picked this article. I will state that reason at the very end. That means that if you don’t read my summary of this article, you’ll at least have to scroll down if you’re curious enough to learn why.
The article summary:
Now that the Stimulus funding has finally been disbursed this article is a list of how public transportation system agencies in the bay area are now spending their stimulus funding. Some agencies are increasing their fleet while others are retooling their fleet. This article states that Kimmins Contracting Corp. won a 4.9 million dollars contract to extend the Tampa’s streetcar system. what I learned in this article is that most of Florida’s major transit agencies belong to the Florida Public Transit Association, a nonprofit consortium. The article protrades this association main function is to buy heavy duty transit buses in bulk in order to get the lowest price possible.
I choice this article for only one reason:
The reason I choice this article is when read on how one of the ways the Recovery Act funding is being used. That is the how to bring the bus schedules to handheld devices. The article doesn’t state how the system is going to be implemented but if it has a real-time GPS, Global Position System, information online fort the riding public this new system would address one of the major reasons people do not use the public bus system, the wait time. Throughout the semester we have all seen the top 10 list of why people do not used the public transit system. The “wait time” is in the top 3 in the list. This new information system that makes available to the public the bus schedule with a GPS it just might increase the ridership market size by . . . 5%.